John Bunyan School

Lancaster Way, Braintree, CM7 5UL
Phone: 01376 321 814 

Resilience, Ambition, Values, Excitement.

John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School

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Posted by on in Year 6

Year 6 recently went to Fairplay House for their residential. The children tried all the different activities: archery, caving, big swing and woodland games. We also completed a night walk which was rather scary! The children had great fun and really enjoyed their time their. Here are some photos and videos.



Hits: 6055

Posted by on in Year 1

On Tuesday 3rd December, Year 1 and 2 enjoyed a visit from the 'Flying Pizza Theatre Company.'

They performed 'The Snow Queen' for the children and they thoroughly enjoyed it.

The whole show was cleverly performed by just two people playing all the different characters.

Livvy, from Poplars, said 'I loved it when the reindeer spoke because it was very funny!'

Junior, from Poplars, said 'I liked it when the Snow Queen came because she was controlling the little boy!'


Hits: 6064

Posted by on in Year 5

Year 5 are studying local history this term. 

In the first half term, we focused on local history and geography. The children enjoyed a tour of Bradford Street and a heritage trail around the town centre. We then researched an area of local history and produced maps as well as information about their chosen area.

Maples took inspiration from the artist Andy Goldsworthy and collected items from nature which they then used to create collages to illustrate their chosen historical study.

This half term, we are focusing on art and design and technology. Taking inspiration from the textiles we saw on our trip to the Warner Textile Mill, we will be designing our own fabric and using it to design and make a decorated coin purse.



Hits: 5637

Posted by on in Year 4

To explore what the lives of the Romans were like, year 4 were lucky enough to visit Colchester Castle.

One of the many activities involved us spending some time building Roman Villas and Roundhouses.

We researched and identified many other aspects of Roman life and had the opportunity to experience what it would have been like in a chariot race and locked in the dungeons. We also listened to many interesting stories from the era, underneath the castle itself.

It was a really fun and interesting day; everyone definitely enjoyed themselves and learned lots!

This term we were also lucky to have the opportunity to go and watch the film 'Small Foot' in the cinema.

The story was exciting and funny, whilst having a story line that reflected upon our code of conduct.

As a year group we are currently in the process of rehearsing for our performance 'The Rocking Romans'.





Hits: 5965

Posted by on in Year 6

Year six had a great day at the Imperial War Museum Duxford.

We were able to see different types of airplanes, tanks and vehicles used in World War 2. We even saw some airplanes from World War 1!

Everyone enjoyed the day very much and we all learnt a lot about the battle of Britain and how Duxford was used as an Air Force Base in WW2.   


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Hits: 5686

Posted by on in Year 3

This term, year 3 were lucky enough to visit Lea Valley for a Stone Age day. One of the activities involved us spending some time outdoors. We had to identify the different types of plants that they would have had in the Stone Age. We were then able to discuss what they would have been used for. We also had a go at using a fire steel to make our own fires. This proved quite tricky although a few of us did manage to set alight the cotton wool tinder! In the afternoon, we spent time looking at different artefacts. These included flint, spear, arrowheads and antlers. After that, we had a go at creating our own cave paintings by candlelight using charcoal. It was a really fun and interesting day and everyone definitely enjoyed themselves and learned lots!



Hits: 6100

Posted by on in PE

Last week 8, KS1 children participated in a rugby festival at Holy Family School.

They played different mini games to introduce them into rugby.

The children loved playing a new game and competing against other schools!



Hits: 6032

Posted by on in Whole School

During half term, we ran a sports and activity day for 38 children.

They all enjoyed a range of activities including dodgeball, football, dressing as a Mummy, apple bobbing, just dance and Art.

The children and adults really enjoyed the day and look forward to the next one in February half term!



Hits: 5911

Posted by on in Foundation


Hits: 5928

Posted by on in Nursery

We learnt about Autumn and found lots of Autumn treasures in the forest in our school.





Collecting sunflower seeds from sunflowers grown in the school garden to make bird feeders.



We drilled holes in conkers and threaded string through them to make conker chains.






Hits: 6146

Posted by on in Whole School

Our New Multi Use Games Area

We have enhanced our sporting curriculum with the addition of an amazing Multi Use Games Area.

The children now have a dedicated zone for sport and a place to practice and develop their technique, fundamental movement skills and cardiovascular fitness. Along with gaining a love for sport, we hope our new Multi Use Games Area will encourage children to lead a healthier lifestyle.

For this project, we worked with Pentagon Play who design and install outdoor learning environments for schools and nurseries.

You can visit their website here –









Hits: 7286

Posted by on in Nursery

During our topic on mini-beasts, we read the story of The Bog Baby, a mythical creature who lived in a bog and who became sick when it was taken away from its habitat, even though the people who had caught it loved it very much and tried to look after it in their home.

The postman brought some caterpillars for us to look after. We looked closely every day to see if anything was happening.

We had to wait patiently, but after a while, the caterpillars formed cocoons around themselves

After a week or so, we were excited to see four beautiful butterflies in the butterfly house.

We remembered the story of the Bog Baby and realised that even though we loved them, we could not keep the butterflies for ourselves, but had to let them fly off to where they belonged in the wild. We took them over to the school’s forest area and let them go free.

We are now looking for bog babies in the school pond!





Hits: 7017

Posted by on in Whole School

A couple of days ago staff completed some tidying of the wild life area around the pond. It looks so much better - well done!





Hits: 6326

Posted by on in Year 3

This term, year 3 have been looking after the Bunyanites, who were forced to move from their home in Hawaii when natural disasters destroyed their houses, shops and schools. We have spent a lot of time learning about the different natural disasters, especially volcanoes and earthquakes, including what they are, why they are caused and where they are most likely to occur in the world.

We have then helped the Bunyanites prepare for a move back to Hawaii. In DT, we have been looking at the different types of bridges and then worked collaboratively to problem solve and construct our own bridges to help transport the Bunyanites home.

In our first lesson, we looked at the links involved in building bridges and so we used paperclips and attached them to pieces of cardboard. After this, we have then spent several lessons building our own bridges out of empty food containers and wrappers, before covering them in papier-mâché and painting them.


Hits: 6869

Posted by on in PE

On the 24th June, eight year 3/4 children participated in a cricket competition.

They had never played together before and showed themselves to be great team players!

They finished 2nd place in their group. Well done.



Hits: 6998

Posted by on in PE

This week 38 KS2 children took part in district sports.

They competed in different events including running, jumping and throwing.

All of the children were excellent ambassadors to our school and showed outstanding sportsmanship! Well done!

Hits: 6502

Posted by on in Foundation

In Foundation Stage the children have been continuing their learning through play. 

They have been able to follow their own curiosities and investigations to develop their existing knowledge.



Hits: 6267

Posted by on in Year 6

Willows had a great time at the Food and Farming day at Writtle college. We discovered how grain is planted, harvested and what it can be made into; what foods we can grow (tasting was popular!); what animals give us food (the sausages and bacon were very tasty!) and what machinery is used to grow grains.



Hits: 5422

Posted by on in Whole School

Great fun was had by all on Wednesday at the year 5/6 disco!



Hits: 6849

Posted by on in Year 6

Graffiti wall in year six.



Hits: 5431