John Bunyan School

Lancaster Way, Braintree, CM7 5UL
Phone: 01376 321 814 

Resilience, Ambition, Values, Excitement.

John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School

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Posted by on in PE

On Tuesday 14th of November, 10 year 5/6 children went to Notley High School to play in a dodge ball tournament. The children played a number of games against very tough opposition. They came 7th out of 8 but showed great team sprit and were brilliant ambassadors to the school!
Well done!


Hits: 5241

The whole school came together on Friday to commemorate 100 years since the end of the first world war. We all gathered in the KS1 playground with some special guests from the British Legion and Father Tim. Year three and the dance club showed us some dances they had been working on. Year four sang a melody of war time songs. Some children read out some poems and Oaks class sang a song one of the children had written for their homework. The bugler sounded the last post and we stood for two minutes silence. The children from each class then placed a reef on the stage underneath the thank you sign (which had been decorated with poppies the children had made in their classes). The children behaved impeccably and it was a very moving service.     




Hits: 6076

Posted by on in PE

On the 31st October John Bunyan hosted a boot camp event on the school field. We welcomed four different schools who brought ten year 3/4 children; we also had three teams ourselves. The children participated in a number of different exercises, which needed a lot of teamwork, determination and grit!

We would like to thank Mii Bootcamp who run the event and gave the children some new experiences.



Hits: 5364

Posted by on in PE



On Wednesday 10th of October eight girls went to Witham Town Football Club to play in a tournament.

They played extremely well and came 4th out of 8, showing off all their skills they have been practicing in training!

Hits: 5895

Posted by on in PE

Last week eight KS1 Children went to Beckers Green Primary school to participate in a Teddy Bear run. There were some outstanding individual performances.

All the points from each race went towards a team score; we came 2nd out of seven schools. Well done!

Bunyan Bear also enjoyed his day winning his race against the other teddies!



Hits: 5543

Posted by on in Year 5

This term our topic has been the Vikings.

We have studied their way of life and looked at the human and physical geography of the Scandinavian countries they came from.

Year 5 have also been drawing Viking faces and artefacts, which we created as a model and clay face.

We had a Viking celebration to our parents, showing our work and the Viking bread we made.

The music celebration to our parents showed off our progress in performing a brass instrument.

Hits: 5796

Posted by on in Year 1

Farm day - Gemma's Farm visited us in the summer term; there were a number of different farmyard animals to see and there was even a pink chicken! We were able to hold and groom some of them animals and although it was very hot, it was lots of fun.  


A Royal Picnic - Year 1 celebrated the Royal wedding in style.

We all sat together on the field in a great big circle and had a picnic together. We had sausage rolls, salad, crisps and a cake. It was lots of fun; we really enjoyed our celebrations!


Tennis Festival - We took part in a Year 1 tennis festival. We were able to practise a number of different skills. These included: accuracy, balance, speed, agility and hand-eye co-ordination. It was lots of fun and we learnt many new games, led by our super Year 5 helpers!



Hits: 6298

Posted by on in Year 5

Oaks class have made a video to show all the work they have completed in the summer term.




Hits: 5969

Posted by on in Whole School

The Scrapstore Playpod was officially opened yesterday (Tuesday 3rd July). Here are some children playing with the Playpod contents. 


Hits: 6763

Posted by on in PE

Last week, six year 2's went to Notley High School to participate in a cricket competition.

They played lots of games to help improve their skills and team work in match situations.

The children were great ambassadors to the school well done!




Hits: 5703

Posted by on in Whole School

Healthy Eating Week 2018

From Monday the 11th of June to Friday the 15th of June it was Healthy Eating week.

As the chosen ambassadors, we were set to create a PowerPoint. We made it on our own, only referring for help if we really needed it.

The group presented it for an assembly on the 11th (Monday); on Wednesday (13th of June) we had some ideas of fruit and vegetables we wanted the school to try, this included: mango, kiwi, apricots, radishes, papaya and sugar snap peas.

Ms Clements brought in the fruit and veg; Mia brought in some low fat humus and yogurt.

The children really enjoyed tasting the new foods and hopefully this will inspire them to eat more healthily at home and out of school. 


Hits: 5610

Posted by on in PE

This week 37 KS2 children went to Tabor High School to participate in district sports. They were against 5 other schools from the Braintree area and came 4th overall. As a team they showed great sportsmanship and determination in every event!

We had 5 children who came first in their events which were shot put, chest push, long jump and 600m.

Well done everyone!


Hits: 5442

Posted by on in PE

On Monday, 9 year 6 children went to Notley High School and participated in a rounder’s tournament. They managed to win four games in a row and get to the final! Unfortunately, they came second overall but were still delighted. They showed great team spirit and determination throughout the competition well done!



Hits: 5308

Posted by on in PE

Last week, Year 1 and 2 participated in a tennis festival in school. They enjoyed lots of different activities working on their hand eye coordination, footwork and speed.

A special thanks to Willow class who helped run the event and showed great leadership qualities!



Hits: 5415

Posted by on in Year 6

Year 6 had a brilliant day at the food and farming day at Writtle College, Chelmsford yesterday (6th June). They were able to taste different foods including venison and sweet peppers; find out where some of their food comes from; taste some edible flowers and herbs; interact with different animals including alpacas and discover which machines the farmers now use to help them with harvesting their crops.



Hits: 5821

Posted by on in Whole School

On Monday 4th June 2018 the staff at John Bunyan had some training - can you guess what in?





Hits: 5685

Posted by on in Whole School

This week has been a very busy week of football starting off against St Francis on Monday where the team won 6-2. On Wednesday we took two teams to Lyons Hall ,one game being a league game where we lost 5-1 and the other game being a friendly which we won 6-0.

Finally on Thursday 10 girls from year 5/6 went to a football tournament at Lyons Hall, drawing two and losing two games.

Well done to all the children who participated in the matches showing great resilience and determination!



Hits: 6876

Posted by on in Year 3

Pines, and three lovely Maples, experienced a lovely trip to the Discovery Centre on Monday 21st May 2018. We completed great activities which included - environmental art, using the natural environment. The children were able to explore different ways to use the world around us to make pictures, create homes and match colours. We had a fantastic time and the weather was lovely too.


Hits: 5991

Posted by on in Year 4



Year four had a great time when the chocolatier came to visit them. 

Hits: 6229

Posted by on in PE

Finlay Dodds and Emy-Leigh Humm represented the school in the level two cross country competition. They were both great ambassadors to the school and showed a lot of resilience to finish the race.

Well done!



Hits: 5674