John Bunyan School

Lancaster Way, Braintree, CM7 5UL
Phone: 01376 321 814 

Resilience, Ambition, Values, Excitement.

John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School

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Posted by on in PE

The last couple of weeks the children have been participating in lots of different sports in school and outside competing against other schools!

Some children from year 2 and year 4 have been very Lucky trying Parkour.
They had to jump, swing, hang and crouch on lots of different obstacles and even jump onto a crash mat from a height!

Last week 48 KS2 children went to Tabor High School to compete against lots of other schools in cross country!

All of the children showed great determination and didn’t give up.

Congratulations to Thomas, Remi, Keeley, Gracie and Montana who came in the top 5 of their races!

Well done!


Hits: 6786

Posted by on in PE

Last week 8, KS1 children participated in a rugby festival at Holy Family School.

They played different mini games to introduce them into rugby.

The children loved playing a new game and competing against other schools!



Hits: 6947

Posted by on in PE

On the 24th June, eight year 3/4 children participated in a cricket competition.

They had never played together before and showed themselves to be great team players!

They finished 2nd place in their group. Well done.



Hits: 7939

Posted by on in PE

This week 38 KS2 children took part in district sports.

They competed in different events including running, jumping and throwing.

All of the children were excellent ambassadors to our school and showed outstanding sportsmanship! Well done!

Hits: 7358

Posted by on in PE

Six KS1 children went to play 3Ts cricket at Howbridge Infant School.

They all really enjoyed it and showed brilliant teamwork and sportsmanship during all the games they played!

Well done!

Hits: 6909