What Does A Governing Body Do?
The Governors are responsible for policy and strategy and the Head teacher is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school and ensuring that the policy and strategy agreed by the Governors is implemented. The Governing Body has a large number of legal responsibilities and amongst these are ensuring that the National Curriculum is properly delivered, arranging for religious education to be carried out, deciding how to spend the delegated budget and approving the many different school policies, such as those referring to discipline and behaviour and health and safety.
The Governing Body is made up of:
The governing body of a school is responsible for ensuring that it is run to promote pupil achievement. Its duties include:
The Full Governing Body meets termly. The Governors also meet in committees each term. The committees are:
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Governing Body we do occasionally have vacancies that occur and the Head Teacher or Chair of Governors will be pleased to talk to you about them.