John Bunyan School

Lancaster Way, Braintree, CM7 5UL
Phone: 01376 321 814 

Resilience, Ambition, Values, Excitement.

John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School

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Blogs from the Year 2016-2017

Posted by on in Nursery

Nursery children enjoyed making ‘rainbow slime’. They worked in pairs to make yellow, pink, green, blue and purple slime. The children noticed the changes in the mixture as they added different ingredients to it. They mixed the slime until it was malleable and no longer sticking to their fingers. The children had a go at stretching the slime as far as they could across the table. They used words such as ‘slimy’, ‘slippery’ and ‘cold’ when asked how the slime felt.


Hits: 6683

Posted by on in Year 2

Year 2 visited Braintree Museum to take part in a Victorian day. We dressed up in Victorian costumes. Many boys were 'chimney sweeps' and many girls were Victorian maids. During the visit, we became detectives and explored Victorian artefacts. We also took part in a scary Victorian lesson. In the lesson we chanted times tables, practised our handwriting on slate boards and the teacher was very, very strict.


The teacher told us all about Victorian punishments like the back straightener, the cane and dunces hat.

We all got the chance to look around the Museum and play Victorian games in the afternoon.


Hits: 7315

Posted by on in Year 1


Year 1 took part in an exciting 3D art project where we created a castle and knights themed wall display. Many parents came in to help us. First, we made pebbles or flat plates with newspaper, then we covered our shapes with newsprint and finally we used coloured tissue & metallic papers to add to colour to our artwork. Art Solutions then put all our artwork together on an amazing display in the lower school hall. We are very proud of our work.

Hits: 6515

Posted by on in PE

In February half term, we ran our fourth Sports and Activity camp in school and twenty-six children attended.

The children completed fun activities including: Dodgeball, football, fencing, New Age Kurling, blindfolded painting, paper aeroplane making and team games.

Throughout the day, all of the children worked in teams to win prizes.

We are looking forward to the next one!



Hits: 5838

Posted by on in PE

This week a coach from Essex Cricket Club came into school to run a FREE session for a year 1, 2 and 3 class.

The children participated in lots of different activities, which helped to improve their agility, speed and batting.

They showed great desire to learn new skills and work as a team.


Hits: 10023