John Bunyan School

Lancaster Way, Braintree, CM7 5UL
Phone: 01376 321 814 

Resilience, Ambition, Values, Excitement.

John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School

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Blogs from the Year 2016-2017

Posted by on in PE


The girls recently played in a football match against John Ray primary school. Unfortunately, they lost 2-0 but even in defeat, they showed great sportsmanship and teamwork! They are looking forward to their next match!

Hits: 6089

Posted by on in PE

On Tuesday 14th of November, 10 year 5/6 children went to Notley High School to play in a dodge ball tournament. The children played a number of games against very tough opposition. They came 7th out of 8 but showed great team sprit and were brilliant ambassadors to the school!
Well done!


Hits: 5746

The whole school came together on Friday to commemorate 100 years since the end of the first world war. We all gathered in the KS1 playground with some special guests from the British Legion and Father Tim. Year three and the dance club showed us some dances they had been working on. Year four sang a melody of war time songs. Some children read out some poems and Oaks class sang a song one of the children had written for their homework. The bugler sounded the last post and we stood for two minutes silence. The children from each class then placed a reef on the stage underneath the thank you sign (which had been decorated with poppies the children had made in their classes). The children behaved impeccably and it was a very moving service.     




Hits: 6617

Posted by on in PE

On the 31st October John Bunyan hosted a boot camp event on the school field. We welcomed four different schools who brought ten year 3/4 children; we also had three teams ourselves. The children participated in a number of different exercises, which needed a lot of teamwork, determination and grit!

We would like to thank Mii Bootcamp who run the event and gave the children some new experiences.



Hits: 5913

Posted by on in PE



On Wednesday 10th of October eight girls went to Witham Town Football Club to play in a tournament.

They played extremely well and came 4th out of 8, showing off all their skills they have been practicing in training!

Hits: 6438