John Bunyan School

Lancaster Way, Braintree, CM7 5UL
Phone: 01376 321 814 

Resilience, Ambition, Values, Excitement.

John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School

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Year 6

Subcategories from this category: Year 6 2017-18

Posted by on in Year 6

Here is a video from Mr Cullum's previous class.

Hits: 2951

Posted by on in Year 6

What a fantastic week residential was! An incredible experience that allowed the children to develop their confidence, resilience, and life skills tremendously across the week; alongside following the code of conduct throughout. The staff and service that was provided by Kingswood was phenomenal; the activities were incredible (side-by-side, aeroball, abseiling to name a few) and the experience of visiting the highest point in Norfolk (Beeston Bump) at night to observe the stars was a great thing to do as a whole year group together. A huge thank you to all of the staff that took the children and we look forward to next year already!



Hits: 3769

Posted by on in Year 6

Year six have been working with the Warner Textile Archive to find out about different sewing techniques, decoration and embroidery. The children made their artwork based on Pandora's box which we have been studying in English and across other curriculum subjects.


Hits: 4822

Posted by on in Year 6

Maples had a great week learning about Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds.  We learned a lot about mental health and explored different ways we can help manage our emotions and feel positive.  We looked at healthy foods and tried lots of unusual fruit and vegetables that are healthy snacks.  We were very surprised at the sugar content of some of our favourite drinks.  We did lots of fitness and physical activity all week, culminating in our Sports Morning on Friday.  The children all worked very hard and encouraged each other to be the best they could was fantastic that the class had the most points of the Year 6 classes and that Courtney and Orlaith won the individual prizes for Year 6.



Hits: 4689

Posted by on in Year 6

Pines enjoyed their sports morning, even though parents couldn’t attend, the children gave the best they could and they helped one another. Well done Pines – lots of you achieving your best scores.



Hits: 4583

Posted by on in Year 6

Hawthorns took part in the year six sports day - they all had great fun and worked hard to improve on their scores. 


Hits: 4993

Posted by on in Year 6

Year six have recently made pillows in design and technology: they had to come up with a design to do with World War 2. The children decided to either complete 2, 4 or 6 boxes on their material. When they had their design they transferred it onto their pillows and then used back and running stitch to sew around the pictures, words and letters they had drawn. Once they had completed the sewing they were able to colour in their designs with fabric crayons and pens. Finally, they stuffed the pillows and sealed them up using blanket stitch.





Hits: 6536

Posted by on in Year 6

Elms had a great time at their xmas party today - they loved all the party games!




Hits: 6506

Posted by on in Year 6

Year 6 recently went to Fairplay House for their residential. The children tried all the different activities: archery, caving, big swing and woodland games. We also completed a night walk which was rather scary! The children had great fun and really enjoyed their time their. Here are some photos and videos.



Hits: 6672

Posted by on in Year 6

Year six had a great day at the Imperial War Museum Duxford.

We were able to see different types of airplanes, tanks and vehicles used in World War 2. We even saw some airplanes from World War 1!

Everyone enjoyed the day very much and we all learnt a lot about the battle of Britain and how Duxford was used as an Air Force Base in WW2.   


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Hits: 6315

Posted by on in Year 6

Willows had a great time at the Food and Farming day at Writtle college. We discovered how grain is planted, harvested and what it can be made into; what foods we can grow (tasting was popular!); what animals give us food (the sausages and bacon were very tasty!) and what machinery is used to grow grains.



Hits: 6076

Posted by on in Year 6

Graffiti wall in year six.



Hits: 6059

Posted by on in Year 6

Year six have been learning about the Mayan civilisation this term. We found out where the Mayans lived and how their civilisation was discovered. We enjoyed finding out how they used masks in their culture. We designed our masks after looking at different types. We then made our masks out of clay, which we air dried and then painted.



Hits: 6691

Posted by on in Year 6

Year 6 had a brilliant day at the food and farming day at Writtle College, Chelmsford yesterday (6th June). They were able to taste different foods including venison and sweet peppers; find out where some of their food comes from; taste some edible flowers and herbs; interact with different animals including alpacas and discover which machines the farmers now use to help them with harvesting their crops.



Hits: 6439

Posted by on in Year 6


In science week, year six had great fun trying to make blood. We found out the composite of blood and used Cherrios, vegetable oil, red food colouring, marshmallows and sprinkles to make our own. We had to work out exactly how much we would need of each to make it as accurate as possible. Later on in the week we also found out about blood donation, the different types of blood groups and why they are different.   

Hits: 6460