John Bunyan School

Lancaster Way, Braintree, CM7 5UL
Phone: 01376 321 814 

Resilience, Ambition, Values, Excitement.

John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School

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Posted by on in Year 3

Junipers took part in their sports day and it looks like they had great fun!


Watch the video here -



Hits: 5431

Posted by on in Year 3

On Thursday 10th June, Rowans class took part in a Middle School Sports Day. All of the children enjoyed their day and had lots of fun. They were all extremely encouraging and supportive to everyone in their team. Despite a huge team effort, Rowans came 3rd out of the year 3 classes. We were incredibly proud of their resilience and sportsmanship on the day!

Here is a video


Hits: 5984

Posted by on in Year 3

Watch Poplars sports day here.


Hits: 4628

Posted by on in Year 3

This term, year 3 were lucky enough to visit Lea Valley for a Stone Age day. One of the activities involved us spending some time outdoors. We had to identify the different types of plants that they would have had in the Stone Age. We were then able to discuss what they would have been used for. We also had a go at using a fire steel to make our own fires. This proved quite tricky although a few of us did manage to set alight the cotton wool tinder! In the afternoon, we spent time looking at different artefacts. These included flint, spear, arrowheads and antlers. After that, we had a go at creating our own cave paintings by candlelight using charcoal. It was a really fun and interesting day and everyone definitely enjoyed themselves and learned lots!



Hits: 6724

Posted by on in Year 3

This term, year 3 have been looking after the Bunyanites, who were forced to move from their home in Hawaii when natural disasters destroyed their houses, shops and schools. We have spent a lot of time learning about the different natural disasters, especially volcanoes and earthquakes, including what they are, why they are caused and where they are most likely to occur in the world.

We have then helped the Bunyanites prepare for a move back to Hawaii. In DT, we have been looking at the different types of bridges and then worked collaboratively to problem solve and construct our own bridges to help transport the Bunyanites home.

In our first lesson, we looked at the links involved in building bridges and so we used paperclips and attached them to pieces of cardboard. After this, we have then spent several lessons building our own bridges out of empty food containers and wrappers, before covering them in papier-mâché and painting them.


Hits: 7522

Posted by on in Year 3

This term, year 3 have been learning about Ancient Egypt. We were lucky enough to go on a school trip to Layer Marney in Colchester where we all took part in four different activities in order to learn more about the Egyptians. The first activity involved looking at different artefacts from this period of history. One of the oldest artefacts was 4000 years old! We looked at the fans they would have used, some of the jewellery and discussed how it was made from lapis lazuli and we talked about the significance of crocodiles in Egypt. The second activity gave us all a chance to make our own Rosetta Stone wheels as we looked at Egyptian hieroglyphics. We used the wheel to solve some Egyptian code as well as having a go at writing our names. After that, we discussed Egyptian housing and what the Egyptians would have eaten for breakfast lunch and dinner. We were even given the opportunity to try some of the foods they would have enjoyed, such as radishes, spring onions and flat breads. Our final activity of the day was all about the importance of masks. We learned that a person’s body was preserved during the process of mummification. This meant that the soul would have somewhere to return to after death. A death mask was created so that the soul would recognise its body, and return to it safely. Death masks were also believed to help to guard a dead person from evil spirits in the afterlife. The death masks we looked at and had a go at making were the Pharoah, Anubis, Ammit and Bastet. Once our death masks were made, we were then able to partake in our own funeral procession.
It was an amazing day out and we all learned lots about Ancient Egypt!


Hits: 6291

Posted by on in Year 3

Pines, and three lovely Maples, experienced a lovely trip to the Discovery Centre on Monday 21st May 2018. We completed great activities which included - environmental art, using the natural environment. The children were able to explore different ways to use the world around us to make pictures, create homes and match colours. We had a fantastic time and the weather was lovely too.


Hits: 6549

Posted by on in Year 3


Year 3 have had a great time in Science Week. On day 1 we investigated which material would help us grow seeds the best, although we had a great time making the slime, it was not a good variable for our test as the seeds died. We also looked at how light reflected in a straight line and also how shadows form using the sundial. At the end of the week, we used Alka-Seltzer tablets to create rockets. We observed the chemical reaction of them in water then tested this by using film canisters and watching them blast into the air. We were going to measure how high they went but we didn't have a measuring device long enough. It was a great week!

Hits: 6414