John Bunyan School

Lancaster Way, Braintree, CM7 5UL
Phone: 01376 321 814 

Resilience, Ambition, Values, Excitement.

John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School

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Spruces had great fun learning about semaphore in computing today!



Our challenge was to decipher the semaphore message.  


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We had a wonderful morning competing in our sports morning today. The weather stay fine for us - even a bit too hot! All the children had great fun and competed in their teams.


Hits: 1636

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The girls football team played their last match on Friday against Notley. They played really well as a team and won 9-0.

Special mention to Rosie who scored 5!



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Year 5 had a great time helping out at the foundation and year 1 sports day on Wednesday. It was lovely to see so many parents.







Hits: 1050

John Bunyan Primary hosted a teacher sharing event of the Braintree Cultural Diversity Project on Wednesday 25th May.

Seven schools took part in the five-month Project which had the following aims:

· For young people to understand other cultures and traditions.

· To develop understanding of classroom practise and how to communicate new concepts to young people.

· To give young people a practical experience of other cultures.

· To develop teaching ideas that mean that learning is embedded in school practise and the impact on the young people is not limited to one experience

· To consider empathetic responses to learning from young people

Children from seven schools took part in lessons and workshops delivered by professional musicians from across the world, with the aim of broadening the children’s understanding of other cultures.

Some Year 5 John Bunyan children were fortunate enough to attend a workshop by the renowned kora player, teacher and composer, Josh Doughty. Children were excited to have a go at playing the instrument in the workshop and were amazed by the rich history of kora music and its origins.

The project was funded by Essex Music Education Hub.





Hits: 2789

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The whole school had great fun on Thursday celebrating the Queen's jubilee. Some of the children and staff dressed up as kings and queens and also in red, white and blue. We made some fantastic castles, table decorations and cake decorations and the children also performed in the "arena". We were also lucky to have the farm and different stalls and games like hook a duck and pin the tail on the corgi! Here are some of the photos from the day.  




Hits: 2662

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The teachers were lucky last week to have a coach from Essex Cricket Club come in to teach us some different cricket games - watch out for them in PE!



Hits: 3865

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Poplars class were lucky enough to have their gold-leaf shields chosen to be displayed at the National Gallery as part of the ‘Take One Picture’ project. Mrs Hooper, Mrs Bennett and Miss Stiff attended the opening of the exhibition and were so impressed by all the projects from schools around the UK. How fantastic to see John Bunyan school as part of this special project!


Hits: 3825

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On Tuesday 17th December 2019 we had the annual JBP curling competition. 



Hits: 5421

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During half term, we ran a sports and activity day for 38 children.

They all enjoyed a range of activities including dodgeball, football, dressing as a Mummy, apple bobbing, just dance and Art.

The children and adults really enjoyed the day and look forward to the next one in February half term!



Hits: 5492

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Our New Multi Use Games Area

We have enhanced our sporting curriculum with the addition of an amazing Multi Use Games Area.

The children now have a dedicated zone for sport and a place to practice and develop their technique, fundamental movement skills and cardiovascular fitness. Along with gaining a love for sport, we hope our new Multi Use Games Area will encourage children to lead a healthier lifestyle.

For this project, we worked with Pentagon Play who design and install outdoor learning environments for schools and nurseries.

You can visit their website here –









Hits: 6812

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A couple of days ago staff completed some tidying of the wild life area around the pond. It looks so much better - well done!





Hits: 5892

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Great fun was had by all on Wednesday at the year 5/6 disco!



Hits: 6278

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On Monday 29th April, the learning champions from KS2 visited the Houses of Parliament.

We watched an educational video all about the history of parliament up to present day. After this, we saw the House of Commons and the House of Lords and found out that green and red are the colours for each house.

We learnt about the lords, baroness' and MPs roles in making our laws including how they vote using ay and no.

Within the House of Lords, we found out about the Queen's speech and saw the ornate throne she sits on during the opening of parliament.

During the tour, we saw many statues of former prime ministers as well as Kings and Queens.

The architecture of the building was beautiful with lots of detailed stain glass windows; huge portrait paintings; chandeliers and woodcarvings.




Hits: 5253

The whole school came together on Friday to commemorate 100 years since the end of the first world war. We all gathered in the KS1 playground with some special guests from the British Legion and Father Tim. Year three and the dance club showed us some dances they had been working on. Year four sang a melody of war time songs. Some children read out some poems and Oaks class sang a song one of the children had written for their homework. The bugler sounded the last post and we stood for two minutes silence. The children from each class then placed a reef on the stage underneath the thank you sign (which had been decorated with poppies the children had made in their classes). The children behaved impeccably and it was a very moving service.     




Hits: 5560

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The Scrapstore Playpod was officially opened yesterday (Tuesday 3rd July). Here are some children playing with the Playpod contents. 


Hits: 6274

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Healthy Eating Week 2018

From Monday the 11th of June to Friday the 15th of June it was Healthy Eating week.

As the chosen ambassadors, we were set to create a PowerPoint. We made it on our own, only referring for help if we really needed it.

The group presented it for an assembly on the 11th (Monday); on Wednesday (13th of June) we had some ideas of fruit and vegetables we wanted the school to try, this included: mango, kiwi, apricots, radishes, papaya and sugar snap peas.

Ms Clements brought in the fruit and veg; Mia brought in some low fat humus and yogurt.

The children really enjoyed tasting the new foods and hopefully this will inspire them to eat more healthily at home and out of school. 


Hits: 5192

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On Monday 4th June 2018 the staff at John Bunyan had some training - can you guess what in?





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This week has been a very busy week of football starting off against St Francis on Monday where the team won 6-2. On Wednesday we took two teams to Lyons Hall ,one game being a league game where we lost 5-1 and the other game being a friendly which we won 6-0.

Finally on Thursday 10 girls from year 5/6 went to a football tournament at Lyons Hall, drawing two and losing two games.

Well done to all the children who participated in the matches showing great resilience and determination!



Hits: 6274