John Bunyan School

Lancaster Way, Braintree, CM7 5UL
Phone: 01376 321 814 

Resilience, Ambition, Values, Excitement.

John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School

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Posted by on in Whole School

Great fun was experienced in KS1 at the recent Reindeer Run in KS1. They raised an incredible amount of money!



Hits: 1636

Posted by on in Whole School

The children in Year 1 recently enjoyed a visit to Hedingham Castle to support their learning about Castle life. 

They explored the buildings and grounds, made sketches, followed maps and had a fantastic day.




Hits: 1503

Posted by on in Whole School

 Spruces really enjoyed sharing their books and reading with Elders on Friday. We hope to make it a weekly event!



Hits: 1672

Posted by on in Whole School

Year 5 had a great time in dance with Leon this half term!

They completed a dance to the song 'Consider yourself' from the musical Oliver and found out about the different jobs children did in Victorian times.



Hits: 1870

Posted by on in Whole School

Oaks visited Colchester Castle this week with the rest of Year 4. They had a fanstastic day exploring The Iron Age, The Roman Takeover and The Roman Heyday. The children went into the Roman vault under the castle and they were shown the Roman temple that was originally built before Bouddica and The Celts burnt it down. They were then shown how the castle was built and what would happen if the Celts refused to do their job. We also had a go at building a Roman villa or an Iron Age roundhouse so we could compare the differences. Finally the children walked around the museum to collect information in their packs.  


Hits: 1958