Reception trip to Gemma's Farm
Reception recently had the pleasure of visiting a charming farm in White Notley - Gemma's Farm. This was a delightful experience, thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Here are some of the children as they boarded one of the minibuses that took us to our destination. We were very excited!
The farm is not only home to the animals you would normally expect to see on a farm, like pigs and chickens but also some more exotic animals in need of a home like meercats and even a porcupine!
On our arrival the children lined up to have their buckets filled with feed for the animals and it was then their job to make sure no animals went hungry. There were also jobs like watering and egg collecting before being able to get up close and personal with the recently born animals like chicks, lambs and rabbits.
The weather was kind to us, and all children behaved respectfully whilst meeting and then taking care of the animals - a truly unforgettable day - Well done Reception team and Thankyou to Gemma's Farm - we hope to return!