John Bunyan School

Lancaster Way, Braintree, CM7 5UL
Phone: 01376 321 814 

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John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School

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Out of This World!

Posted by on in Year 5
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Year 5 have had a great couple of days with visits from the Astrodome and Mr. Huxter who brought his virtual reality equipment into school.

On the 3rd February we were very lucky to have the Astrodome come into the school to complement our topic of out of this world. We found out about our universe and how it works. Some of the comments from the children were – “Wow,” “that was fantastic,” “I have never seen anything like that before” and “I have found out lots about our universe.”

Last Friday, Mr. Huxter came in with his VR equipment and we were able to experience roller coasters, bungee jumps and different rides from theme parks – it was great. Here are some of the pictures with the VR kit on.   





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