John Bunyan School

Lancaster Way, Braintree, CM7 5UL
Phone: 01376 321 814 

Resilience, Ambition, Values, Excitement.

John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School

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Posted by on in PE

On the 31st October John Bunyan hosted a boot camp event on the school field. We welcomed four different schools who brought ten year 3/4 children; we also had three teams ourselves. The children participated in a number of different exercises, which needed a lot of teamwork, determination and grit!

We would like to thank Mii Bootcamp who run the event and gave the children some new experiences.



Hits: 5329

Posted by on in PE



On Wednesday 10th of October eight girls went to Witham Town Football Club to play in a tournament.

They played extremely well and came 4th out of 8, showing off all their skills they have been practicing in training!

Hits: 5865

Posted by on in PE

Last week eight KS1 Children went to Beckers Green Primary school to participate in a Teddy Bear run. There were some outstanding individual performances.

All the points from each race went towards a team score; we came 2nd out of seven schools. Well done!

Bunyan Bear also enjoyed his day winning his race against the other teddies!



Hits: 5512

Posted by on in PE

Last week, six year 2's went to Notley High School to participate in a cricket competition.

They played lots of games to help improve their skills and team work in match situations.

The children were great ambassadors to the school well done!




Hits: 5673

Posted by on in PE

This week 37 KS2 children went to Tabor High School to participate in district sports. They were against 5 other schools from the Braintree area and came 4th overall. As a team they showed great sportsmanship and determination in every event!

We had 5 children who came first in their events which were shot put, chest push, long jump and 600m.

Well done everyone!


Hits: 5413