John Bunyan School

Lancaster Way, Braintree, CM7 5UL
Phone: 01376 321 814 

Resilience, Ambition, Values, Excitement.

John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School

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Posted by on in Whole School

Spruces had great fun learning about semaphore in computing today!



Our challenge was to decipher the semaphore message.  


Hits: 1441

Posted by on in Whole School

We had a wonderful morning competing in our sports morning today. The weather stay fine for us - even a bit too hot! All the children had great fun and competed in their teams.


Hits: 1635

Posted by on in Whole School

The girls football team played their last match on Friday against Notley. They played really well as a team and won 9-0.

Special mention to Rosie who scored 5!



Hits: 1002

Posted by on in Whole School


Hits: 1123

Posted by on in Whole School

Year 5 had a great time helping out at the foundation and year 1 sports day on Wednesday. It was lovely to see so many parents.







Hits: 1050