John Bunyan School

Lancaster Way, Braintree, CM7 5UL
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John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School

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Chicks and dragons

Posted by on in Year 1
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At the beginning of this term, something very exciting happened…. we found a dragon’s egg in our outdoor play area! We were worried that a dragon may have dropped it when flying past the school, so we decided to take care of it. Luckily, we had been learning all about which materials help to keep things warm, so we made a nest for the egg out of twigs and wrapped it in tin foil to incubate it. A couple of weeks later, the egg hatched! It hatched at around the same time as the chicks we have in school. We learned all about how to look after these baby animals, and how gentle we need to be with them. We now take the baby dragon for walks every day so that it can get lots of exercise, and wrap him up to keep him warm when he sleeps. We wonder how big he will grow!





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Guest Wednesday, 03 July 2024