We all had a visit from Engineering for Kids in assembly yesterday. Some of the children were able to take part in a building session - they had great fun.
Blogs from the Year 2016-2017
We all had a visit from Engineering for Kids in assembly yesterday. Some of the children were able to take part in a building session - they had great fun.
Great fun was experienced in KS1 at the recent Reindeer Run in KS1. They raised an incredible amount of money!
The children in Year 1 recently enjoyed a visit to Hedingham Castle to support their learning about Castle life.
They explored the buildings and grounds, made sketches, followed maps and had a fantastic day.
Spruces really enjoyed sharing their books and reading with Elders on Friday. We hope to make it a weekly event!
Year 5 had a great time in dance with Leon this half term!
They completed a dance to the song 'Consider yourself' from the musical Oliver and found out about the different jobs children did in Victorian times.