John Bunyan School

Lancaster Way, Braintree, CM7 5UL
Phone: 01376 321 814 

Resilience, Ambition, Values, Excitement.

John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School

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Posted by on in PE

On Wednesday 31st nine year 5/6s competed in a mini hockey tournament at Ramsey Academy. They played three games, drawing one and losing two. We didn't make it to the semi-final but they all tried their hardest to be competitive and showed excellent sportsmanship.

 Well done!


Hits: 4547

Posted by on in PE

It's not only the children who are participating in sporting events around the school. Last Thursday, the staff competed in the annual John Bunyan Curling Tournament.

Even though it was very competitive everyone showed great team work and respect to the other teams.

The winning team were:

Mrs Clements

Mr Cullum

Miss Cunningham

Mrs Cardnell


Hits: 5928

Posted by on in PE



On the 17th of January 18 year 5/6 children participated in the sports hall athletics at The Ramsey Academy. They all showed grit and determination when competing against the other schools and after many competitive events they came first place!

It was great to see the children being great ambassadors to the school and winning as a team well done!





Hits: 6027

Posted by on in PE

On Tuesday 9th January 2018, years 5 and 6 competed in the intra class dodgeball competition. Everyone enjoyed themselves and participated either as competitor or helper. 


Well done years 5 and 6!


Later in the year we will have more intra class competitions with the next one being a curling competition for years 3 and 4. 



Hits: 4728