John Bunyan School

Lancaster Way, Braintree, CM7 5UL
Phone: 01376 321 814 

Resilience, Ambition, Values, Excitement.

John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School

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Jacqui Clements

Jacqui Clements

Jacqui Clements has not set their biography yet

Posted by on in Year 1

At the beginning of this term, something very exciting happened…. we found a dragon’s egg in our outdoor play area! We were worried that a dragon may have dropped it when flying past the school, so we decided to take care of it. Luckily, we had been learning all about which materials help to keep things warm, so we made a nest for the egg out of twigs and wrapped it in tin foil to incubate it. A couple of weeks later, the egg hatched! It hatched at around the same time as the chicks we have in school. We learned all about how to look after these baby animals, and how gentle we need to be with them. We now take the baby dragon for walks every day so that it can get lots of exercise, and wrap him up to keep him warm when he sleeps. We wonder how big he will grow!



Hits: 5707

Posted by on in Year 3

This term, year 3 have been learning about Ancient Egypt. We were lucky enough to go on a school trip to Layer Marney in Colchester where we all took part in four different activities in order to learn more about the Egyptians. The first activity involved looking at different artefacts from this period of history. One of the oldest artefacts was 4000 years old! We looked at the fans they would have used, some of the jewellery and discussed how it was made from lapis lazuli and we talked about the significance of crocodiles in Egypt. The second activity gave us all a chance to make our own Rosetta Stone wheels as we looked at Egyptian hieroglyphics. We used the wheel to solve some Egyptian code as well as having a go at writing our names. After that, we discussed Egyptian housing and what the Egyptians would have eaten for breakfast lunch and dinner. We were even given the opportunity to try some of the foods they would have enjoyed, such as radishes, spring onions and flat breads. Our final activity of the day was all about the importance of masks. We learned that a person’s body was preserved during the process of mummification. This meant that the soul would have somewhere to return to after death. A death mask was created so that the soul would recognise its body, and return to it safely. Death masks were also believed to help to guard a dead person from evil spirits in the afterlife. The death masks we looked at and had a go at making were the Pharoah, Anubis, Ammit and Bastet. Once our death masks were made, we were then able to partake in our own funeral procession.
It was an amazing day out and we all learned lots about Ancient Egypt!


Hits: 5270

Posted by on in Year 5

This term our topic has been ‘Out of the World’, which has involved looking at space and fairgrounds. Our science lessons have involved exploring the solar system and the class texts in English have also linked to this. In addition to this, we have looked at fairgrounds. We have planned, designed and built our own fairground rides and have really enjoyed doing this. This term we have also had brass lessons; this involved playing the trombone, trumpet and cornet. As classes we also performed a hip-hop dance with Leon and have also been on a road safety walk.

Hits: 5123

Posted by on in Nursery

Nursery children enjoyed making ‘rainbow slime’. They worked in pairs to make yellow, pink, green, blue and purple slime. The children noticed the changes in the mixture as they added different ingredients to it. They mixed the slime until it was malleable and no longer sticking to their fingers. The children had a go at stretching the slime as far as they could across the table. They used words such as ‘slimy’, ‘slippery’ and ‘cold’ when asked how the slime felt.


Hits: 5641

Posted by on in Year 2

Year 2 visited Braintree Museum to take part in a Victorian day. We dressed up in Victorian costumes. Many boys were 'chimney sweeps' and many girls were Victorian maids. During the visit, we became detectives and explored Victorian artefacts. We also took part in a scary Victorian lesson. In the lesson we chanted times tables, practised our handwriting on slate boards and the teacher was very, very strict.


The teacher told us all about Victorian punishments like the back straightener, the cane and dunces hat.

We all got the chance to look around the Museum and play Victorian games in the afternoon.


Hits: 6215

Posted by on in Year 1


Year 1 took part in an exciting 3D art project where we created a castle and knights themed wall display. Many parents came in to help us. First, we made pebbles or flat plates with newspaper, then we covered our shapes with newsprint and finally we used coloured tissue & metallic papers to add to colour to our artwork. Art Solutions then put all our artwork together on an amazing display in the lower school hall. We are very proud of our work.

Hits: 5568

Posted by on in PE

In February half term, we ran our fourth Sports and Activity camp in school and twenty-six children attended.

The children completed fun activities including: Dodgeball, football, fencing, New Age Kurling, blindfolded painting, paper aeroplane making and team games.

Throughout the day, all of the children worked in teams to win prizes.

We are looking forward to the next one!



Hits: 4902

Posted by on in PE

This week a coach from Essex Cricket Club came into school to run a FREE session for a year 1, 2 and 3 class.

The children participated in lots of different activities, which helped to improve their agility, speed and batting.

They showed great desire to learn new skills and work as a team.


Hits: 8402

Posted by on in PE

On the 5th of February, 18 KS2 Children went to Braintree hockey club to play in a tournament.

We split them into two teams - one team drew two games and lost one; the other team won three and lost one.

Overall, both teams showed great teamwork and were great ambassadors to our school! Well done!


Hits: 4448

Posted by on in PE

Last week we took two teams of year 5/6 to Braintree Rugby club to play in a tournament. One of the teams played three games but unfortunately did not win any of them. The other team played five games, winning four and losing one. All of the children showed great sportsmanship and were brilliant ambassadors to our school - Well done!



Hits: 5063

Posted by on in PE

On the Wednesday, the 12th January 4 children went to Ramsey Academy to play in a curling competition. They played two games winning one and losing the other. They showed great teamwork and were outstanding ambassadors to the school - Well done!




Hits: 4645

Posted by on in PE

On the 27th of November, 10 year 5/6 children went to Ramsey Academy and played in a Basketball tournament. They played 3 games winning them all! This meant they got through to the next round and received a gold medal each. The children were extremely proud of themselves!


Hits: 4873

Posted by on in PE


On the 12th of December, the basketball team went to Rickstones Academy to play in the next round of their competition. They were up against some very competitive schools but managed to come second out of six teams! The team showed great desire, teamwork and sportsmanship during the tournament! 

Hits: 4677

Posted by on in PE


The girls recently played in a football match against John Ray primary school. Unfortunately, they lost 2-0 but even in defeat, they showed great sportsmanship and teamwork! They are looking forward to their next match!

Hits: 4982

Posted by on in PE

On Tuesday 14th of November, 10 year 5/6 children went to Notley High School to play in a dodge ball tournament. The children played a number of games against very tough opposition. They came 7th out of 8 but showed great team sprit and were brilliant ambassadors to the school!
Well done!


Hits: 4818

The whole school came together on Friday to commemorate 100 years since the end of the first world war. We all gathered in the KS1 playground with some special guests from the British Legion and Father Tim. Year three and the dance club showed us some dances they had been working on. Year four sang a melody of war time songs. Some children read out some poems and Oaks class sang a song one of the children had written for their homework. The bugler sounded the last post and we stood for two minutes silence. The children from each class then placed a reef on the stage underneath the thank you sign (which had been decorated with poppies the children had made in their classes). The children behaved impeccably and it was a very moving service.     




Hits: 5556

Posted by on in PE

On the 31st October John Bunyan hosted a boot camp event on the school field. We welcomed four different schools who brought ten year 3/4 children; we also had three teams ourselves. The children participated in a number of different exercises, which needed a lot of teamwork, determination and grit!

We would like to thank Mii Bootcamp who run the event and gave the children some new experiences.



Hits: 4874

Posted by on in PE



On Wednesday 10th of October eight girls went to Witham Town Football Club to play in a tournament.

They played extremely well and came 4th out of 8, showing off all their skills they have been practicing in training!

Hits: 5389

Posted by on in PE

Last week eight KS1 Children went to Beckers Green Primary school to participate in a Teddy Bear run. There were some outstanding individual performances.

All the points from each race went towards a team score; we came 2nd out of seven schools. Well done!

Bunyan Bear also enjoyed his day winning his race against the other teddies!



Hits: 5075

Posted by on in Year 5

This term our topic has been the Vikings.

We have studied their way of life and looked at the human and physical geography of the Scandinavian countries they came from.

Year 5 have also been drawing Viking faces and artefacts, which we created as a model and clay face.

We had a Viking celebration to our parents, showing our work and the Viking bread we made.

The music celebration to our parents showed off our progress in performing a brass instrument.

Hits: 5385