John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School were represented at the service and laid a wreath in remembrance of all the fallen soldiers.
Blogs from the Year 2016-2017
John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School were represented at the service and laid a wreath in remembrance of all the fallen soldiers.
In science this week, Year 2 have been learning about teeth and how to keep our teeth healthy. They have found out that we should not have too much sugar and we need to make sure we brush our teeth regularly and correctly. We brushed our teeth and then used disclosing tablets to find out how well we cleaned our teeth. A lot of mouths turned blue and red and then purple!
Cedars have really settled well into year 2 and are having great fun learning lots of new skills and knowledge.
The staff had their own sports day after school on Monday. It was great fun and sometimes very wet!
Thank you to Mr Taylor and Mr Stoneham for organising.
Spruces had great fun cooking the spring rolls that they designed today. Each class in the school has been assigned an Olympic team (ours is China). We have been finding out about the country and in D & T we designed a dish from China we would like to make. We all voted and spring rolls came out the top. We used lots of different vegetables and sauces and cooked them in an air fryer - they were delicious!