John Bunyan School

Lancaster Way, Braintree, CM7 5UL
Phone: 01376 321 814 

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John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School

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Braintree Museum, World Book Day and the chicks!

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Sports Relief and World Book Day

Year 2 all looked fantastic in their costumes for world book day and sports relief! There was a great effort made by everyone. Throughout the day the classes moved around three exciting activities related to books:

· The Journey: Everyone wrote their own magical story ending for the book.

· ‘A bag full of worries’. The children made their own ‘worry bags’ and discussed how to make our worries smaller.

· ‘Good Friends’ –it was discussed what made a good friend and helped us to keep friendships.

Year 2's Victorian Trip to Braintree Museum

All of year 2 had a brilliant time at Braintree Victorian Museum. We all got dressed up as Victorians and, looked amazing in our costumes, we headed off to town to find the museum. When we arrived, we were told that we'd have 3 special activities to enjoy. Our first activity was experiencing a real Victorian with a very strict Victorian teacher. Every time we spoke to her we had to stand up and say Ma'am at the end. We had to do lessons just like the Victorian children would have had to do which was really fun. We agreed that we much prefer school now though. Our next activity was finding out about different Victorian artefacts. It was really exciting because the artefacts were real and came from over 100 years ago! We got to touch them and try to work out what they were and what they were used for. The lady told us about some of them. The strangest one was a Victorian mouse trap. We even played a Victorian game that the children would have played. After that we had lunch altogether, our packed lunches were delicious! For our final activity we got to go into the museum rooms, with the glass cabinets containing more artefacts and facts about how they would have been used. We dug in some sand to find some more artefacts and we got to find out what Victorian Braintree was like. We all had a brilliant time and were a credit to our school. Our teachers were very proud of us.

Year 2 Meet the Chicks.

Over the last week we have been watching the chicks tap, tap, tap using their shell tooth to escape their egg shell. Once the chicks were out, they stayed in the incubator until they were dry and fluffy. We were very lucky and got to meet our school chicks. We had to make sure we were really quiet so we didn't scare them and if we wanted to, we got to hold one. They were so cute and we were very careful with them. What an Easter feeling! ??




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