John Bunyan School

Lancaster Way, Braintree, CM7 5UL
Phone: 01376 321 814 

Resilience, Ambition, Values, Excitement.

John Bunyan Primary and Nursery School

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Posted by on in Year 1

Spring Chicks

We had some special visitors! We got to hold our chicks! We had to be very quiet so we didn't scare them, then we took it in turns to hold them. They were really fluffy and cute! It has been very exciting watching them hatch from their eggs, and they have already grown so much. It is really interesting to see their feathers changing.

 Special Symbols

In Religious Education this half term we have been looking at symbols from different religions and what they mean. We started by looking at what animals we resemble and whether that represents the ‘outer me’ or the ‘inner me’. There was lots of great ideas like; an elephant because they are strong and an owl because owls are wise. After that we discussed what a symbol is and what special things might be found in a Christian home. One of the symbols was a cross. We have also been learning about Buddhism and discussed what Buddhists ‘see’ in the Buddha image and why is it so special to them. We discovered that the symbols that are special for Buddhists is the wheel of life and a beautiful white flower. We all made this beautiful flower. We have had lots of fun looking at all these different symbols!

 Medieval Man

We were visited by Peter the peddler, a medieval man who bought with him a variety of ancient objects for us to explore. We looked at ancient dress, weapons and everyday objects that we might find in a castle. It was very exciting being able to dress up as peasants, knights, princesses, kings and queens. We practised pulling wool to make thread, playing medieval instruments, writing with a quill and ink and playing with games and toys that children in Castles would have played with. We even got to make our very own medieval silver penny to take home as a reminder of our time with Peter the peddler.



Hits: 5386

Posted by on in Year 5

This term in our Year 5 classes we have been learning about fairgrounds. We will be making models of  fairground rides and designing our own before cutting and building our final piece.

We are also doing a production called ‘Hoodwinked’, which is a version of Robin Hood. We are looking forward to performing it to the school and parents.

In English, we have been story writing, focusing on the plot using our class text – Robin Hood.

In Maths, we have been learning to compare and order decimal numbers from ascending and descending order.

Hits: 5324

Posted by on in Year 6


In science week, year six had great fun trying to make blood. We found out the composite of blood and used Cherrios, vegetable oil, red food colouring, marshmallows and sprinkles to make our own. We had to work out exactly how much we would need of each to make it as accurate as possible. Later on in the week we also found out about blood donation, the different types of blood groups and why they are different.   

Hits: 5222

Posted by on in Year 3


Year 3 have had a great time in Science Week. On day 1 we investigated which material would help us grow seeds the best, although we had a great time making the slime, it was not a good variable for our test as the seeds died. We also looked at how light reflected in a straight line and also how shadows form using the sundial. At the end of the week, we used Alka-Seltzer tablets to create rockets. We observed the chemical reaction of them in water then tested this by using film canisters and watching them blast into the air. We were going to measure how high they went but we didn't have a measuring device long enough. It was a great week!

Hits: 5253