Posted by on in Year 6

Year 6 had a brilliant day at the food and farming day at Writtle College, Chelmsford yesterday (6th June). They were able to taste different foods including venison and sweet peppers; find out where some of their food comes from; taste some edible flowers and herbs; interact with different animals including alpacas and discover which machines the farmers now use to help them with harvesting their crops.



Hits: 5823

Posted by on in Whole School

On Monday 4th June 2018 the staff at John Bunyan had some training - can you guess what in?





Hits: 5687

Posted by on in Whole School

This week has been a very busy week of football starting off against St Francis on Monday where the team won 6-2. On Wednesday we took two teams to Lyons Hall ,one game being a league game where we lost 5-1 and the other game being a friendly which we won 6-0.

Finally on Thursday 10 girls from year 5/6 went to a football tournament at Lyons Hall, drawing two and losing two games.

Well done to all the children who participated in the matches showing great resilience and determination!



Hits: 6878

Posted by on in Year 3

Pines, and three lovely Maples, experienced a lovely trip to the Discovery Centre on Monday 21st May 2018. We completed great activities which included - environmental art, using the natural environment. The children were able to explore different ways to use the world around us to make pictures, create homes and match colours. We had a fantastic time and the weather was lovely too.


Hits: 5992

Posted by on in Year 4



Year four had a great time when the chocolatier came to visit them. 

Hits: 6232