Posted by on in Year 5

This term our topic has been the Vikings.

We have studied their way of life and looked at the human and physical geography of the Scandinavian countries they came from.

Year 5 have also been drawing Viking faces and artefacts, which we created as a model and clay face.

We had a Viking celebration to our parents, showing our work and the Viking bread we made.

The music celebration to our parents showed off our progress in performing a brass instrument.

Hits: 5797

Posted by on in Year 1

Farm day - Gemma's Farm visited us in the summer term; there were a number of different farmyard animals to see and there was even a pink chicken! We were able to hold and groom some of them animals and although it was very hot, it was lots of fun.  


A Royal Picnic - Year 1 celebrated the Royal wedding in style.

We all sat together on the field in a great big circle and had a picnic together. We had sausage rolls, salad, crisps and a cake. It was lots of fun; we really enjoyed our celebrations!


Tennis Festival - We took part in a Year 1 tennis festival. We were able to practise a number of different skills. These included: accuracy, balance, speed, agility and hand-eye co-ordination. It was lots of fun and we learnt many new games, led by our super Year 5 helpers!



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Posted by on in Year 5

Oaks class have made a video to show all the work they have completed in the summer term.




Hits: 5972

Posted by on in Whole School

The Scrapstore Playpod was officially opened yesterday (Tuesday 3rd July). Here are some children playing with the Playpod contents. 


Hits: 6765

Posted by on in Whole School

Healthy Eating Week 2018

From Monday the 11th of June to Friday the 15th of June it was Healthy Eating week.

As the chosen ambassadors, we were set to create a PowerPoint. We made it on our own, only referring for help if we really needed it.

The group presented it for an assembly on the 11th (Monday); on Wednesday (13th of June) we had some ideas of fruit and vegetables we wanted the school to try, this included: mango, kiwi, apricots, radishes, papaya and sugar snap peas.

Ms Clements brought in the fruit and veg; Mia brought in some low fat humus and yogurt.

The children really enjoyed tasting the new foods and hopefully this will inspire them to eat more healthily at home and out of school. 


Hits: 5613