Posted by on in Foundation


Hits: 5928

Posted by on in Nursery

We learnt about Autumn and found lots of Autumn treasures in the forest in our school.





Collecting sunflower seeds from sunflowers grown in the school garden to make bird feeders.



We drilled holes in conkers and threaded string through them to make conker chains.






Hits: 6148

Posted by on in Whole School

Our New Multi Use Games Area

We have enhanced our sporting curriculum with the addition of an amazing Multi Use Games Area.

The children now have a dedicated zone for sport and a place to practice and develop their technique, fundamental movement skills and cardiovascular fitness. Along with gaining a love for sport, we hope our new Multi Use Games Area will encourage children to lead a healthier lifestyle.

For this project, we worked with Pentagon Play who design and install outdoor learning environments for schools and nurseries.

You can visit their website here –









Hits: 7287

Posted by on in Nursery

During our topic on mini-beasts, we read the story of The Bog Baby, a mythical creature who lived in a bog and who became sick when it was taken away from its habitat, even though the people who had caught it loved it very much and tried to look after it in their home.

The postman brought some caterpillars for us to look after. We looked closely every day to see if anything was happening.

We had to wait patiently, but after a while, the caterpillars formed cocoons around themselves

After a week or so, we were excited to see four beautiful butterflies in the butterfly house.

We remembered the story of the Bog Baby and realised that even though we loved them, we could not keep the butterflies for ourselves, but had to let them fly off to where they belonged in the wild. We took them over to the school’s forest area and let them go free.

We are now looking for bog babies in the school pond!





Hits: 7019

Posted by on in Whole School

A couple of days ago staff completed some tidying of the wild life area around the pond. It looks so much better - well done!





Hits: 6328