Posted by on in Year 3

Watch Poplars sports day here.


Hits: 4024

Posted by on in Year 6

Maples had a great week learning about Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds.  We learned a lot about mental health and explored different ways we can help manage our emotions and feel positive.  We looked at healthy foods and tried lots of unusual fruit and vegetables that are healthy snacks.  We were very surprised at the sugar content of some of our favourite drinks.  We did lots of fitness and physical activity all week, culminating in our Sports Morning on Friday.  The children all worked very hard and encouraged each other to be the best they could was fantastic that the class had the most points of the Year 6 classes and that Courtney and Orlaith won the individual prizes for Year 6.



Hits: 3970

Posted by on in Year 6

Pines enjoyed their sports morning, even though parents couldn’t attend, the children gave the best they could and they helped one another. Well done Pines – lots of you achieving your best scores.



Hits: 3899

Posted by on in Year 6

Hawthorns took part in the year six sports day - they all had great fun and worked hard to improve on their scores. 


Hits: 4295

Posted by on in Year 5
For Comic Relief, Year 5 did a Superhero Car Wash to raise money. Everybody in Year 5 dressed up as any superhero and had their own sections of staff cars to clean. In those groups we were put into groups of 3 to wash our assigned cars. We then gave out donation cards for the staff to complete on how well a job we did. In total, we raised an amazing £324.90 for charity.

A huge well done to all of Year 5 and a special thanks for the kind donations from the staff members too. 



Hits: 3884