Posted by on in Year 1
Hits: 4535

Posted by on in Whole School

Poplars class were lucky enough to have their gold-leaf shields chosen to be displayed at the National Gallery as part of the ‘Take One Picture’ project. Mrs Hooper, Mrs Bennett and Miss Stiff attended the opening of the exhibition and were so impressed by all the projects from schools around the UK. How fantastic to see John Bunyan school as part of this special project!


Hits: 4260

Posted by on in Year 6

Year six have been working with the Warner Textile Archive to find out about different sewing techniques, decoration and embroidery. The children made their artwork based on Pandora's box which we have been studying in English and across other curriculum subjects.


Hits: 4145

Posted by on in Year 4


Hits: 4103

Posted by on in Year 3

On Thursday 10th June, Rowans class took part in a Middle School Sports Day. All of the children enjoyed their day and had lots of fun. They were all extremely encouraging and supportive to everyone in their team. Despite a huge team effort, Rowans came 3rd out of the year 3 classes. We were incredibly proud of their resilience and sportsmanship on the day!

Here is a video


Hits: 5241